

Our clinic offers a comprehensive examination and treatment in the field of allergology and clinical immunology focusing on the pediatric and adult populations. Our private practice clinic is equipped with modern instruments (spirometry, NIOX, …).

The main advantages of the surgery:

  • A comprehensive approach to the patient – diagnosis, treatment and prevention of allergic diseases and immune disorders (asthma, allergic rhinitis, eczema, urticaria, food and drug allergies, insect allergies)
  • Good organization of work – a reasonable time ordering and interchangeability of doctors, continuity and availability of treatment even during holidays and vacations
  • Treatment option for entire families at one workplace
  • Contracts with leading insurance companies of the Czech Republic
  • Close cooperation with other leading experts and laboratories (laboratories, X-ray, ENT, pulmonary, skin, possibilities consultation of other experts)
  • Good availability
  • We provide all the usual performances across the breadth of our focus and specialization:

control, targeted and comprehensive examination / prevention / diagnosis and treatment


As well as other medical specialties, allergy and immunology examination consists of several parts – the history, physical examination, spirometry, skin tests, blood tests, and more.


Anamnesis is a summary of the patient’s condition and the circumstances that his condition may be affected. It has several components:

Family anamnesis – overview of disease (especially allergic or immunologic) in the nearest relatives, an indication of more frequent morbidity siblings like.

Personal anamnesis- information about pregnancy, childbirth and the immediate postpartum period, duration of breastfeeding, vaccination and reactions to them, have had a severe and common childhood illness or hospitalization, response to contact with a collective of children (nursery, kindergarten), watching the other expert clinics

Allergic anamnesis – is focused on contact with the most common allergens: house and apartment (dry, wet, occurrence of mold, carpets, curtains), contact with pets, what the patient is sleeping (feather mattress), flowers in your home, stay in a smoky environment , work environment (school), hobbies etc.

Pharmacological anamnesis – Overview of drugs (including OTC), and nutritional supplements

Current disease – when and under what circumstances, and how the current disease first manifested itself, the existence of any triggering factors (exercise, time of year, some food …), which previously held the previous examination and treatment

Physical examination

Physical examination of Allergy clinic is not fundamentally different from examination by a medical practitioner. Increased attention is paid especially allergic manifestations on the skin or conjunctiva finding and listening to the lungs.


Spirometry is a basic lung function tests and respiratory tract. It informs us particularly about the presence of narrowing (obstruction) of the airways, makes it possible to establish a diagnosis of asthma and to monitor the effect of treatment. During the examination, the patient is under the direction of Sister several hard breaths through a special sensor spirometer, which analyzes the range and volume flow parameters doctor informs about the status of airway obstruction. Examination is further complemented (if it’s necessary) by bronchodilator test and bronchial test – run.


FeNO is a new modern investigative methods in our office enables further improvements in the care of asthma patients. It is a short, non-invasive examination of the contents of nitric oxide in exhaled air. High values ​​indicate the presence of inflammation in the airways that underlies the asthma. Vyšeření own is easy, suitable for children from 4-5 years. The result is known to 2 minutes.

Skin tests

Skin tests are basic diagnostic method in allergy. Allow the determination of the specific allergen (allergy-causing substances). During the examination on forearm skin are dripped individual allergens small droplets which are then entered into the rod skin. In the case of a positive test in a short time around the injection site and create a small skin reaction at negative test skin remains unchanged.

Before skin tests, if your condition permits, should be discontinued antihistamines (Zyrtec, Zodac, Aerius, Xyzal etc.). In case of doubt it is possible to consult by telephone.

Blood tests

Blood tests enables besides basic data to determine a whole range of allergy and immunology by parameter (ie. Immunoglobulins, complement components, autoimmune markers, etc.) and, where appropriate, may help to clarify or correct diagnosis.